Aurora reminds us to raise campaign tone

by Lanny Davis | The Hill | 07/25/12 Early Friday morning in Aurora, Colo., we were reminded that there remains in the world the existence of pure, sociopathic evil — an inhuman monster who celebrates death and has no sensations from a beating heart of feelings, empathy or anything other than the glorification of death.

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Bipartisanship: Can this troubled marriage be saved with the help of Purple Nation Solutions?

Mayors & Cities Magainze | by Charles Fredeen | July 24, 2012 WASHINGTON, DC – Most everyone agrees that Congressional Washington is broken.  It is, is, is.  Cannot be stated over enough. Rarely does anyone talk to one another across the political divide that separates the House and Senate chambers.  Yet, if this country is […]

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Romney’s taxes: Tell it early, tell it all, tell it yourself

By Lanny Davis – 07/18/12 07:12 PM ET Yes, Gov. Romney — that subtitle to my memoir concerning the rules we learned the hard way at the Clinton White House in 1996-98 about getting the truth out yourself proactively, even if it is a bad-news story, applies to you and the issue of your tax […]

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Polls, lies, damned lies and statistics

By Lanny Davis – 07/11/12 07:34 PM ET Throughout the world of political reporters and pundits, the blogosphere and social media — left, right and center — the conventional wisdom was impressive: Obama’s negative ads on Bain Capital and outsourcing were working in the 12 battleground states where they were exclusively running.

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Use the facts, don’t stretch the truth

By Lanny Davis – 06/27/12 There is a cynical view of American voters that they don’t care about the truth — that they can be bamboozled into being persuaded by negative ads. “Negative ads work,” is the trite expression that gets an almost unanimous nod of the head, even among those who hate them.

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Romney remains in the far right corner on immigration

By Lanny J. Davis – 06/20/12 04:04 PM ET OK, Gov. Romney — regarding your refusal to endorse President Obama’s executive order on immigration relief for illegal high school graduates — I have a bunch of questions for you.

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Huffington Post Sports: The Last Inning

by Lanny Davis, Posted: 07/02/2012 There was magic on a baseball field late on Sunday afternoon, May 20, 2012 in suburban Maryland just outside Washington D.C. It was the kind of magic, it seems, that so often occurs in baseball, where no game is over until the last out. Unlike other sports, there is no […]

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Column: Why Dems should not gloat over health care ruling

by Lanny Davis – USA Today, July 2, 2012 A couple of weeks ago, it was reported that GOP House Speaker John Boehner, confident that the Affordable Care Act would be held unconstitutional by the U.S. Supreme Court, put the word out to Republicans to avoid gloating, telling colleagues, Don’t spike the ball.

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